Oral Surgeons like Dr. Alijanian have recently been getting more and more inquiries from patients on VAPING after an oral surgery procedure.
This BLOG is to help you decide whether or not it is safe to vape (or smoke) and the effects of doing so after an oral procedure. (Implants or tooth extraction)
What is Vaping?
Vaping is the act of inhaling the aerosol (vapor) from an e-cigarette or similar device, often called a vape. To create this vapor, vape devices heat up liquid known as e-liquid or e-juice.
- E-liquid often comes in sweet, pleasant-smelling flavors.
- The vape industry has little regulation.
- The dangers of vaping are still being discovered.
Introduced to the market in 2006, vaping products quickly became mainstream by the end of the decade, with about 7 million vapers worldwide, according to market research group Euromonitor International.
Many people embraced these products as a safer, more socially acceptable alternative to traditional cigarettes. As a result, the number of vape users had soared to 35 million by 2016.
By 2021, the number of adults who vape is expected to reach 55 million people — this is not including the millions of underage vapers
Are Vapes Dangerous?
Vaping is not a safe alternative to smoking.
It has been linked to a number of serious injuries and illnesses including:
- Lung Injuries
- Seizures
- Strokes
- Cardiovascular issues
- Nicotine addiction
- Battery explosion injuries
- Death
The CDC has declared that “e-cigarettes are not safe for youth, young adults, pregnant women, or adults who do not currently use tobacco products.”
Is Vaping Safe For Use After Oral Surgery?
(Implants / Teeth extractions)
Vaping and Dental Surgery
Smoking or Vaping after oral surgery can lead to severe complications.
There are several different types of oral surgery offered at Dr. Ali Alijanian, DDS. This includes wisdom tooth extraction, dental extractions to prepare for dentures, dental implant restoration, and alterations to soft oral tissues.
It is important to understand that certain lifestyle choices and habits might need to be altered during the recovery process. This includes ceasing tobacco use and abstaining from vaping. The heat, tar, and other chemicals that are introduced into your mouth can cause significant irritation to the healing tissues. This can increase recovery time and potentially lead to an infection.
It’s also worth noting that the suction from smoking and vaping can traumatize an incision site, or pull a blood clot loose.
Smoking after a tooth extraction is dangerous for a number of reasons:
- The heat of the smoke can cause inflammation
- The chemicals in tobacco can cause gum disease.
- Nicotine can slow the healing process.
- The sucking motion of smoking can cause dry socket.
How Does Smoking Cause Dry Socket?
Smoking can cause dry socket because of the suctioning or sucking motion you use to draw smoke from the cigarette. This motion can move the blood clot that forms over the site of the extraction. When the blood clot is gone, the bone underneath the extraction site is exposed, causing severe pain and delaying healing.
As far as dry socket goes, vaping requires the same sucking action as smoking, to draw the smoke from the e-cigarette and into your lungs. That means that you are just as likely to get dry socket from vaping as you are from traditional cigarettes.
Have Further Questions?
Call us with any questions or to schedule an appointment.
When Can I Smoke After Tooth Extraction?
As far as vaping after a tooth extraction, well, the risks are pretty much the same as they are with smoking regular cigarettes. That’s because e-cigarettes and vape pens also can contain nicotine, which reduces the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, can cause inflammation, harm oral tissues, and can make healing more difficult.
Another aspect that we haven’t mentioned yet, is that vaping and smoking can also cause complications during the actual oral surgery.
How Long After Wisdom Teeth Removal Can I Smoke Cigarettes?
Wisdom tooth removal can be an invasive process and require extra healing. That’s why it’s very important to refrain from smoking for at least 48 hours after the extraction.
How Long Do I Have To Wait To Vape After Tooth Extraction?
The same goes for vaping as for smoking traditional cigarettes. You should ideally wait 48 hours or two full days after tooth extraction before you begin smoking again. Anything less and you severely increase your risk of dry socket and other complications like increased pain, infection, and delayed healing.
How To Smoke after Tooth Extraction?
The answer here is easy: DO NOT DO IT!!!
If you feel that you absolutely need to smoke before the bare minimum of 48 hours (only for minor extractions) has passed since your extraction, then you need to speak to your dentist.
Immediate vaping after tooth removal is not recommended due to a couple of adverse effects. It is best to wait for four days to do so.
Your dentist or oral surgeon will advise you to wait as long as possible after you get your tooth extracted to begin smoking. The minimum time is usually 48 hours, but you should ask your dentist or oral surgeon.
Do your best to get by with nicotine patches and distract yourself with your favorite activities (besides smoking of course!).
If you know you’re going to want to smoke after surgery, you can talk to your dentist about stitching the extraction site shut, which will help keep the blood clot in place.
Can I Smoke After Tooth Extraction With Gauze?
Smoking after tooth extraction with gauze is still not allowed within the first 48 hours after tooth extraction.
However, when you do resume smoking, gauze is essential. Your dentist may advise you to place gauze over the site of extraction to further prevent dry socket
Side Effects of Vaping
A growing body of research suggests that vaping is far more harmful than many people believe. Possible side effects being investigated include nicotine addiction and poisoning, respiratory problems, and cardiovascular issues.